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April - July 2019


Intergrative and final project of Campus ADN Level Design technical program and mentored by Annick Dumais (prior Ubisoft) and Alexis Joly-Desautels (prior LuckyHammers). A 15 week production with a 30 person team.

Game Designer / UX Designer 

Platforming being predominant in the game, we had to find a fun mechanics that would work well with one of our gameplay pillar: Perspective change. The avatar develops the power to make appear and disappear some platforms.

It was important for the team to prevent the cognitive overload of the player. The solution we came up with was to introduce two mechanics rather than one: the positive perspective and the negative perspective. The two mechanics each having a different input, the player could now group his interactions under two large families and process efficiently the information.

Play as Blank in his quest to find his identity back in this dystopian universe. Blank is a 3rd person platforming / puzzle / stealth game. 


Negative perspective

Additive perspective

That being said, I mainly focused on puzzle phases design. Each puzzle was very much based on Gestalt theory (theory of form), widely used in cognitive psychology. The real question was how we were going to apply this theory to a fun and readable gameplay for the player. We decided to use only the law of continuity, a sub-branch of this theory. More specifically, the player is brought to move wooden puppets so that their arms take the desired shape.

Here are some working documents that I developed during the pre-production phase and that were used during the creation of the game. They show my interest for the user experience, as well as my knowledge in psychology, subjects that I always integrate in my game design.

Programs used


Project constraints

Non-violent game

Third person

Use of a mannequin head in the design

Really short production time (15 weeks)

Key Takeways

Work in a 30 people production team

Adapt to short periods of time

game design

MLD Guidance

MLD Menu / UI

MLD Collectibles

Motivational Mapping




Law of continuity


Wooden puppets puzzle

Design Documents

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